
Finally Here!!!

  Just in time for Christmas and after many hours and weeks of practice and learning to record, our first ever family Christmas CD is here!!!  You can order on our website and have it shipped to you or you can choose pick-up and get it at one of our concerts!

Patriotic Parade Float!

 We honored God and Country on July 4th with our extended family group by taking part in the Salem parade, singin' and stringin' on a patriotic hay ride float! We managed to find a spot for all 20 of us on the trailer, with our instruments and baskets of candy.   The trailer was set up with banners on the sides and back of the float.  The side banners say simply "Faith Family Freedom", and the back banner read "Blessed is the nation whose GOD is the LORD."   We sang and played our hearts out as my nephew Jed Morley drove us through the streets of Salem.  The response was heartwarming as many people smiled, waved, and sang along with our "God Bless America" and "America the Beautiful."  Mom Morley's librarian told her the next day, "That was my favorite float in the parade!"  Susanna's employer's grandson said the Million Dollar tract was his favorite treat!  We had a wonderful time sharing our little tribute to God a...

We're back!

 It has been a very long stint away from our blog but we are excited to be back and hopefully posting more often in the weeks to come!  Here is a little pictoral update from the past months!  December was full with a two week music tour to Pennsylvania and New York where we had 14 concerts and traveled 3000 miles in 14 days! We were grateful that we stayed well the entire trip and had a safe and enjoyable time. We pray our music touched hearts and lives for Jesus!  Back in Salem, we did some Christmas caroling for friends and neighbors and everyone loved the bell songs!  While in NY, we were happy to spend some time with our great-aunts, some of our biggest support and cheerleaders!  In March, Charity and Susanna had the opportunity to play in a live orchestra for a homeschool drama group doing a performance of the musical Little House on the Prairie. It played 8 different times and they had a great time participating! We have not had to wear face masks ver...

Winter Blues with the Bradfords

  Central Missouri, particularly for our lively family, is not very "blue" in the winter season, it is actually quite warm and sunny most of the time! We did get a lovely snowfall which made for some fun winter sports including iceskating!  However, many days are in the 50-60*s and sunny! Here we are cleaning the furniture from our second house so we can fix it up and sell it.   Somebody figured out a creative way to do schoolwork!  Sweet friends came down from NY and when you have a second harpist in the house, of course you have to get a picture!  She even gave me a hand milking the cow!  Time for Monopoly!  Lots of practice!    In February, Dad, Charity and I traveled back to PA on a business trip and for Charity to pick out a new violin since hers got cracked at Christmas time due to an accident. She enjoyed playing duets with cousin Andrea as she decided which violin to choose!    On Sunday back in PA still, several of our frie...

December Recap

The highlight of our December is always Christmas programs and sharing the gospel through music during this special season! We hosted two of our own little programs in our home town and were blessed to have a number of friends and visitors turn out! Behind the scenes, there is always lots to do! Bell polishing above and loading the trailer down below!  We traveled to Illinois and Indiana the weekend before Christmas to share music in various places. One of them was a large gym rented by friends of ours who hosted the event.  My (Susanna's) view much of the time!  Here in Missouri, we only dream of  a "White Christmas"! It's warm enough to not even wear coats a lot of the time! :)

Ringing in Christmas!

 Although this Christmas Season is not like most other years in many ways, we have still been practicing music and Lord willing, will be giving a handful of concerts this month.  Here are the details for any who wish to join us for an inspirational evening of music! Everyone is always welcome! 

Gift Bundles and Girl's activities!

 The day after Thanksgiving, instead of crowding into busy stores to shop, we girls decided to have a little party and activity. A few of us put our heads together and decided to pack bundles of some sort for a mission organization or ministry. Then our cousin, Amaris Morley, let us know that she had been wanting to do baby bundles for local pregnancy crisis centers as part of her ministry called Life Line Gifts.   She got in touch with a Christian crisis center in St. Louis who would happily take our bundles and we girls started shopping! Each girl provided some of the items on the list, brought them to the party and we all worked on assembling and wrapping them up!  Here are the girls who helped! All are cousins except for our Aunt Kezia.   Getting everything ready!    What a fun day!   And this is the committee involved with helping Life Line Gifts in various ways. I (Susanna) have  recently been added and am looking forward to reaching ot...