Family Vacation to the SouthWest! Part 1

 After a long summer of projects, gardening and music practice, our family decided to take a family trip to visit the southwestern states! We pulled our camper out and stayed in RV parks along the way.

Our first stop was at the Pioneer Woman Mercantile in Oklahoma, a cute shop filled with kitchen accessories and decor. 

After Oklahoma, we entered the great state of Texas! 

It took two full days to travel through Oklahoma, Texas and New Mexico and finally into Arizona as our final destination. 

In Eastern Arizona, we drove several miles through the petrified forest and painted desert, stopping to get out and touch the incredible logs-turned-rock. 
Posing under a bridge made by a 75' petrified log. Super neat! 

Checking out more petrified wood.
We pulled into a RV park after dark and settled in. The next morning we awoke to these stunning red rock and mountains surrounding the beautiful town of Sedona, AZ. 

Our first activity on the list was a 4.6 mile, fairly strenuous hike up a mountain side to a stunning red rock natural bridge. The first mile and a half wasn't too bad but then began the rugged, last few hundred yards up the side of the mountain.

Stopping for a picture part way up. 

Every curve we rounded, displayed a new scene of majestic mountains and cliffs! 

We finally made it to the top and the brave ones in the family ventured out for a picture! (It's actually not as scary as it looks :). 


Second Part coming soon!


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