Summer Update

 Our summer flew by (as it always does!) and we are now well into the Autumn season! Here is a pictorial update of our summer! 

We planted a large garden in the spring which ended up being the most lush and abundant garden we've ever raised!
Thank the Lord for his abundant blessings and a wonderful harvest! 

Lots of corn to husk! 

The boys with the help of a cousin and wood splitter kept busy cutting and stacking enough wood for winter. 

Jonathan created his own halter and taught the goat to walk on a rope! 

Ethan dug several post holes for new fencing for the goat and calf who are rapidly outgrowing the fence we started them out in. 

An exciting day this summer was when Dad and I flew from Springfield, MO to Los Angeles to deliver these two puppies by hand. It was a very long day (around 24 hours from start to finish) but it was fun and I got to experience flying for the first time in many years. 

With many relatives living near by now, we often gather together for singing+fellowship+snacks. 

And another major and happy event of the summer was the wedding of a cousin to a beautiful girl from PA. We traveled back for a week of camp-meeting, delivering puppies and the wedding. Mom, Charity and I helped with the majority of the music for the ceremony and our Laura was the sweet flower girl! 

Mr & Mrs Nathaniel Morley!

Laura and the bride! 

Our project for the last part of the summer was to remodel the basement. We tiled the floor, painted the walls and Dad built desks for the children. It was ready just in time for school to start! 

And to end from my garden! 

Happy Autumn to all of you! 


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